Monday 23 January 2017

Falling way of the wagon.. Ouch!

It was my birthday last week and unfortunately I used that as an excuse to be careless with my food choices and also my exercises all week - and I feel awful.  This isn't awful because I let me self down - although I feel angry at my self for that - this is awful because I feel sluggish, worn, tired, bloated, uncomfortable... I am starting to believe the words you are what you eat.

To top it all of I stood on the scales this morning and learnt that the 1.5 stone I lost before Xmas 2016 has now returned. I'm angry at myself for allowing this however I feel that we have to use these experiences to remind us why we want to lose weight in the first place.

My problem is I'm happy in my relationship, I have great friends, a good social life, I partake in lots of activities - but this means I do not always make the best choices when it comes to food I indulge with sweets all the time and my portions are bigger than they should be. Well hopefully not any more. I have got in my hand my referral for Slimming World and have checked - My first meeting is Thursday 26th January and I have high hopes and determination.

Its time to make a stand in the microcosm that is my life.

What have you done when you have fallen off the wagon? How did you get back on track and what are your fail safe methods - I would love to hear from you.

Lots Luv,

Vikki  xx


Tuesday 17 January 2017

When you just have to embrace the gloom..

Ive had a bad day - to most people it would not seem that bad, but within my tiny world it is and suffice it to say that this has affected my mood, exercise programme and eating habits... *pushes the empty bag of chocolate away*

I find that when things get you down it is really hard to motivate yourself to be better. Sometimes we want to wallow in the melancholy no matter how petty or detrimental to ourselves this is. I am here to admit that due to being disappointed last night not only did I have a massive hot chocolate but I also ate a bag of McVities digestive nibbles (they are so good but not worth it really). I didn't go to my favourite exercise class and even this morning couldn't bring myself to do yoga. I allowed myself to be my own road block and this is the perfect example of when we are our own worse enemy.

Although you might feel the need to accept / embrace the gloom it is only hurting yourself - after some serious words (with myself) I have been able to push through... only a little bit but the understanding that I am just going to make myself feel worse not only immediately but in the long run, when I notice those 3 pounds I lost are back again gave me a kick to force myself to look on the brightside and ensure that I get back on track as soon as possible.

If you have had a bad day please don't let it affect your long term goals...

Lotsa Luv,

Vikki  xx


Thursday 12 January 2017

Good Morning To ... Do Yoga

Today is a #GoodMorningTo start the 30 day yoga challenge here goes day 1!

Fortunately I have always been quite flexible so I can sometimes get into the weird and wonderful poses of Yoga but my strength and stamina require improving so here goes.

If you want to follow the same programme each video is approximately 30 mins and I will be doing "Yoga with Adriene" her videos are on YouTube and you can follow here:

I'll let you know how I get on.

Lotsa Luv,



Wednesday 11 January 2017

Lets get lean in 2017 - I mean it this time...

I think my past blogging has been a perfect example of how bad I have been in the past at sticking to my own goals - in other words absolute failure.

Like most people I let my job, social life and love of chocolate rule my week and now I desperately need to do something about it. As most people I am using the start of the New Year to get back on track - but this time it is something I am not going to fall behind on.

I don't know about you but often it feels as though my hobbies - example my YouTube page and this blog end up taking a back seat and also being forgotten as I get overwhelmed with work and commitments. Essentially not spending enough time doing what I love and focusing too much on keep others - colleagues, friends and family happy above myself. So this Year with one week until my 27th birthday I am going to focus on doing the things that make me happy and also prioritise my health and fitness.

My 2017 Goals are:

1) Like most people I hope to lose weight in 2017 - and keep it off. A recent visit to the doctors really opened my eyes and so I have signed up for Slimming World today in order to support this achievement, and I am waiting for the postman to deliver my initial voucher so that I can join.

2) I want to be the healthiest I ever have been. Links of course with the first point but in addition I am going to increase my activities and using my Fitbit I am going to aim to hit at least 10000 steps a day. I am also hoping to improve my skin through a healthy diet.

3) I want to perform on stage - I have a degree in Drama and love performing. I took a year off in 2016 as my workload wouldn't allow it but I am back in my society and ready to get back on stage. I have an audition for an upcoming local production of 'Allo 'Allo that I really hope to be apart of - keep your fingers crossed for me.

4) Finally I  want to make sure that when I say I will be blogging again I actually do. I love to write and I enjoy hearing what other people think of something I have tried or might try. I think that the easiest way for me to keep my blog going is to treat it like a diary of my experiences.

So here is to becoming a better me in 2017. I hope you enjoy the read and would love to hear your thoughts in the comments below.

What are your 2017 goals?

Lotsa Luv,
