Monday 1 February 2016

What The Next Few Months Are All About

Introduction to my weight loss journey...

I’ve fallen victim to happy. The end of 2015 was a puzzle being completed it was as though suddenly all the pieces seemed to fall into place - mainly I moved in with my boyfriend and I started a new job it was a great end to the year and as we approached 2016 I felt confident and ready. That is to say until I tried on the clothes in my wardrobe which to my dismal had got tighter and stopped fitting properly and I now have to resort to wearing only my "oversize" items which now seem more fitted. I fell into the "happy" trap.

I apologise in advance for the lists of 1) , 2) and 3 you will find below its always easier and tidier to make things a list - am I the only one who feels like this? Anyway I digress.. 

I tell you now it doesn’t help when your boyfriend wants to gain weight and you want to lose weight – I can admit that this hasn’t helped my case.  You also may be wondering why I didn’t start this in January well due to that fact that my birthday is in January and I still have a great deal of food left over from December (Ahh party food in the freezer – I cant resist you) I find it very difficult to implement a diet and fitness plan that I can follow properly. As we approach February 2016 however  (can you believe it already!) I've made the decision that it is time to be more realistic face the music and resist the chocolate.

Now when choosing to embark on a new diet plan I have learnt a few things from the past. 1) After trying a number of different "crash" diets I know they don't work and you only end up getting hangry* in most cases.  2) It needs to be realistic with foods that you will still enjoy and 3) It needs to be something that can work around your lifestyle.

If you are feeling the similar tightness why not join me on this journey – I’d love to hear about your experiences and also recommendations and perhaps we can do this together.
When going forward I feel that it is important to set yourself motivating goals mine are:
Holiday to Italy in May – (3 months to lose some weight so I can eat all the guilt free pasta and pizza I want.
2) Clothes shopping – due to the fact that half my wardrobe is currently too tight I have told myself that until the stuff in my wardrobe fits I cannot buy anything else. (Those gift cards from Xmas and Birthday are going to have to wait).
3) For personal comfort – probably most importantly.  I want to be clear that I’m not preaching happiness comes from loosing weight – that is certainly not the case – I’ve always had pretty significant curves and learnt to embrace them - most often sitting comfortably between a size 12 and 14. However recently I am discovering some discomfort from the extra weight I have gained and it is more difficult to achieve some of the dance moves I rocked before!

so I've got my reasons for doing this next is to decide where we are going to begin. Due to the fact that I love fruit and veggies and I got a Nutribullet end of last year I am going to try my own variation of the Nutribullet smoothie diet.  I will preface this by saying that I am in no way a nutritionist or perfect and I am adapting what I have read across a number of websites to suit myself - I don’t believe in trying to set myself silly goals that I know I will fail or just leave me annoyed. There are a couple of reasons that I am choosing to do this kind of diet 1) I suffer from IBS so I feel that the cleansing nature of this will do my digestion some good and give it a wake up call 2) I’m looking for something that will act quickly (I only have 3 months for my first target) but unlike a crash diet is something that I can continue to adapt and bring into my normal diet.

Here are the rules:

Eat as many variations of fruit and veggies as you like but more veggies than fruit as fruit contains a lot of natural sugars.

Must drink filtered water approx. 8 glasses a day (chemicals present in tap water)

Green tea is allowed but no caffeine aka coffee, tea, fizzy drinks.

Moderate exercise 15 minutes a day and intense exercise 2-3 times a week

All smoothies must be 50% green leaves (Kale / Spinach / Swiss Chard)

Fast food
Fried foods
fatty / red meats

Limit intake of dairy products (if you have any)
Limit intake of lean meat products (if you have any) 
No dairy / Meat in the first 7 days either.

  Of course I will allow the occasional cheat day very occasionally as I believe this helps willpower and suits social life but I will try to stick to low calorie alcohol and make sensible choices when out. 

How I imagine a typical day will look:
Morning – breakfast style smoothie.
Mid-morning snack – veggie sticks
Lunch – Smoothie
Mid-afternoon snack – nuts
Dinner – light meal consisting of fresh veggies (after first 7 days you can intriduce light dair and lean meat if you want to).

Please note: I haven’t tried this out before so this / results might vary – I will regularly post recipes I am using and food diaries.

I will also share with you the exercises that I am doing and when and also bring back my “move of the week”.

Well I think that is a good overview for now  so I’ll let you take that in and catch you in the next one,

Lotsa luv,


* Anger which somes from being hungry.

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